Within ERTMS, it represents the design of standard technical solutions for the system of transmission of information from the ground on board trains. It is a transmission system that uses dedicated radio channels in the 900 MHz band; the radio system is specified in GSM specialized radio-telecommunications for railway use, GSM-R. EURORADIO, through fixed stations called Radio Block Center, carries out the transmission of information and the distancing of trains without needing traditional lateral signaling systems. The information given by EURORADIO is continuous; the trains continuously transmit their position, and possibly their condition of integrity, to the Radio Block Centers and receive from these the authorization information for the continuation of the march and the information regarding the limit of the allowed speed. This system is not bound to the fixed block sections and allows a dynamic spacing of the trains, mobile block, in which the trains follow one another at a braking distance regulated according to the braking conditions of each train and to the general conditions of the road. Appropriate antennas, via the ERTMS/ETCS Bus, ensure the connection between this ground information system and the EVC on-board computer. This continuous type of information system generally allows to increase the potential of the line and improve the economic management of the traffic
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