HL. Hazard report. Document in which cases of dangerous failures are formalized, however not negligible for the railway operation, as well as any corrective actions. It is initialized, at the system design level, by the manufacturer in the prototype phase, through the analysis of possible malfunctions and laboratory tests (the so-called “in Workroom HL project”, iWrHL-P); it is completed by the manufacturer and the client during the field tests (the so-called “in Field HL project”, iFHL-P). During normal operation, for each specific installation, the “FRACAS equipment” report, FRACAS-A, is filled in by the maintenance operators, with a description of the failures and the relative corrective actions; any dangerous failures are also reported in the “in Field HL of equipment”, iFHL-A. Statistical syntheses allow the client to monitor the installations, as well as update the HL-P and draw up the “FRACAS project”, FRACAS-P. Through these performance control activities, summarized in the Basic Repair History Report (BRHR), the system is evaluated during the life cycle and possibly the need for corrective actions on the project in the case of frequent or non-negligible malfunctions. See Hazard
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