RAMS. Set of parameters that characterize the functioning of a system and must be specified, together with the technical and functional requirements, for the correct realization of the same. The RAMS requirements therefore define and condition the project, associating each function specified for the system with the aforementioned parameters. Reliability represents the probability that failures will not occur, under certain operating conditions and defined time intervals. Availability represents the ratio between the nominal operating time of the system with respect to a reference time (normally expressed as a percentage). Maintainability represents the system’s ability to be maintained; it is expressed in terms of average recovery time in case of failure, considering the logistic times of intervention null, an unlimited stock availability, a complete availability of all the necessary tools and a complete instruction of the maintenance man; this parameter also influences the design choices relating to modularity and system self-diagnostics. Security is the degree and condition of safeguarding from an unacceptable level of risk. The duration of the faults therefore also depends on the maintainability and the effect of these on the overall availability of the system depends on the frequency with which faults occur which reduce the nominal functionality of the system. The objective of each project is therefore to define the RAMS requirements, capable of optimizing the performance characteristics of the system as a whole, even under economic constraints. The set of RAMS features is also called Dependability
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