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Characteristic of the railway system for which the transport of people or things is guaranteed with very low risk, statistically measurable or ascertainable, in any case not exceeding the usual levels of the system, with the application of all the possible precautions and the actions that theoretically ensure a zero risk. Fatality, events that are not properly considered, and improper human behavior are often attributed to the fact that the residual risk is not eliminated. The development of reliable and intrinsically safe technological systems normally raises the safety level of the railway system and its components. The safety of railway traffic expresses the need to regulate and control the circulation of trains in order to avoid cases such as derailments or collisions. For this reason the running of the trains in the station or between adjacent stations is entrusted to operating standards and signaling systems which together guarantee safety. The operating regulation determines in a deterministic manner the behavior of the staff in charge of train movement, establishing in particular the operating procedures relating to the use of the various technological tools for the management of train movement, as well as safety behaviors and procedures in case of plant failure. The essential characteristic of signaling and safety systems is the intrinsic safety, fail-safe, which determines their ability to guarantee the safety of circulation even in the presence of failures; said systems realize safety by means of switching devices, switches, signals, level crossings, etc., operated in safety by mechanical, electromechanical technologies and today also by means of electronic and computer technology. Signaling systems compete with legislation to guarantee safety on three levels: at the station level, safety of train movements in a station; in terms of section, safety of train movement between neighboring stations; at the line and / or area level, safety of train movement within a multiplicity of sections and stations. It is possible to provide two further distinctions: active safety and passive safety. Active safety is defined as the set of technical, organizational and regulatory conditions aimed at preventing, as far as possible, breakdowns and therefore accidents, and therefore has a preventive character. Passive safety is defined as the set of technical, organizational and regulatory conditions aimed at limiting the consequences that occur after a breakdown. See ALARP, Safety and derived entries, System security

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